Privacy Policy

OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA , committed to the transparency of its relationships and complying with its culture of compliance, recognizes the importance of disclosing and is committed to respect this privacy policy, which establishes, clarifies and explains all forms of protection, rights of the holders and treatment (collection, use, storage, sharing, disposal, etc.) of the personal data that may be collected as a result of the use of its servicesand that are the property of visitors to the website, as customers or business partners.


1. Personal data collected

The personal information we obtain may be collected in the following ways:

  • Website: Personal information is collected when the user interacts on our website by filling in the contact form. This personal information includes, but is not limited to, your username and email address. The user of our portal is not obliged under any circumstances to provide any personal data to browse the pages of the site, so any information is provided of their own free will. It is only necessary to collect basic data when the user wants the return of his contact. All personal information is collected in a fair and non-invasive manner, with your voluntary consent. Personal information is not accessible to anyone outside the specific role for which it was collected.
  • Service channels: The user can get in touch by e-mail or telephone contact. Personal data is collected in order to identify the user, as well as to fulfill his/her request. These may include, among others, name, email and telephone. In addition to these, we collect any personal data that is spontaneously informed by the user.
  • Data related to the provision of our services: To enable the exercise of our activities, we process personal data that are shared by our customers, business partners, service providers or suppliers. This data includes, but is not limited to, the qualification information of legal representatives, names and contact details of employees and service providers, necessary for the preparation and execution of the signed Contracts and issuance of electronic Invoice.
  • Events: Personal information, such as name, telephone number and contact e-mail, may also be shared or collected, in physical or digital media, by our employees at fairs and events with the participation of OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA.
  • Candidates for job vacancies: We may have access to personal information of candidates for job vacancies, such as name, email, telephone, city and other professional information mentioned in a document sent by the candidate.
  • Employees: As for the personal data collected from our employees, these are necessary for the registration to be carried out, in compliance with labor legislation and execution of the employment contract.

2. Processing of personal data

The personal data provided when filling in the contact field on our website, if backed by commercial purposes, will be collected and processed when necessary for the execution of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract to which the holder is a party.

For any other non-commercial relationships, personal data may be collected and processed in accordance with the purpose for which the consent was provided or, even, for the purpose of meeting the legitimate interest of the holder who filled it in, in case it is necessary to respond to queries and questions you make to us, in order to protect the regular exercise of your rights.

In the case of sending an inquiry, service request or application through the contact field on our website, the name and email address of the holder may be shared with the competent member of the company responsible for the response, such as, respectively,  supervisor, sales team or human resources department, which were, are and will be guided to act in accordance with data protection regulations.

Your privacy will be respected to the extent that only the information strictly necessary to achieve the respective legitimate objective will be used.

However, there is a possible need to respond to requests, subpoenas and legal or judicial requests, as well as to prevent fraud, in which cases it may be necessary to use and disclose this data for the purpose of response.


3. Sharing of personal data

As already highlighted, we do not share personal data with third parties, except in the event of eventual:

(i) Legal or judicial requests, subpoenas and requests from competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities;

(ii) Need to use it in the exercise of defending one’s own rights in administrative and/or judicial proceedings;

(iii) Detection, prevention or treatment with any form of fraud or technical and security problem;

(iv) Need to supply at any stage of the sale, merger or change of control of the company;

(v) Data transferred to public bodies to comply with current legislation, for example personal data contained in electronic invoices and respective XMLs , or data from our employees necessary for the payment of the INSS or FGTS;

(vi) Data transferred to accounting service providers or human resources, to meet tax and labor obligations;

(vii) Data transferred to financial institutions to provide payment options to our customers or to pay salaries to our employees and providers,

(viii) Data shared with partners, operators and service providers that participate, directly or indirectly, in the development of OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA ‘s commercial activities , such as billings, payment processes, customer services, sending of emails, advertising and marketing, security and performance monitoring, repair and maintenance services, processing and fulfillment of orders and transactions, verification of consumer registration information, research, data custody, auditing and data processing.

Some of the service providers mentioned above may be located abroad and, in this case, OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA adopts additional safeguards to guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data, in accordance with the relevant Brazilian legislation.


4. Storage and disposal of personal data

This Privacy Policy applies to the aforementioned circumstances throughout the period in which OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA stores personal data. We store and maintain your information: (a) for as long as required by law; (b) until the end of the processing of personal data, as mentioned below; or (c) for the time necessary to protect the rights of OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA . Thus, we will process your data, for example, during the applicable statute of limitations or while necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

The end of the processing of personal data will occur in the following cases: (a) when the purpose for which the personal data was collected is achieved, and/or the personal data collected is no longer necessary or relevant to the scope of that purpose; (b) when the Holder requests the deletion of their data; and (c) when there is a legal determination to that effect.

In cases of termination of processing of personal data, except in the cases established by applicable legislation or by this Privacy Policy, personal data will be deleted.


5. Information security

The systems used to process the personal data collected are structured to meet security requirements, standards of good practices and governance, as well as the general principles provided for in the General Data Protection Law and other regulatory standards.

Security, technical and administrative measures are also adopted to protect personal data from unauthorized access and from accidental or unlawful situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or any form of inappropriate or illicit treatment.

To ensure that your personal information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA employees and business partners and strictly follow precautionary measures regarding privacy within the company.

Our services are not intended and should not be used by children or adolescents, considered as such, the first, up to twelve years old and, the second, between twelve and eighteen years of age, safeguarding us the
right to exclude the respective information eventually provided. on our website.

The national authority and the holder of the personal data will be immediately communicated in the event of a security incident that may cause significant risk or damage to the holders.


6. Rights of holders

The holder of personal data is guaranteed the fundamental rights of freedom, intimacy and privacy, in addition to obtaining from the controller, at any time and upon request, when applicable:

(i) Confirmation of the existence of processing of your personal data;

(ii) Access to personal data being processed;

(iii) Correction of incomplete, inaccurate andoutdated data;

(iv) Anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or treated data in violation of the General Data Protection Law;

(v) Data portability to another service or product provider;

(vi) Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, except in cases permitted by law;

(vii) Information on the public and private entities with which the controller made shared use of data;

(viii) Information about the possibility of not providing consent and about the consequences of denial;

(ix) Revocation of consent by means of express manifestation, when applicable.

To exercise their rights, the holder must contact the email address: [email protected], at which time documentation or reliable proof of the holder’s effective identity may be requested. These data and information will be protected during the storage period and deleted after the legal period for the regular exercise of rights has elapsed.

We emphasize the importance of keeping your personal data accurate and up to date.

Therefore, keep OCELLOTT ENGENHARIA LTDA always informed if your personal data changes or is incorrect.


7. Data Protection Officer

According to the term of appointment filed at the company’s headquarters, we inform you that Mr. Henrique Lemos de Faria , whose contact can be made via e-mail: [email protected] , as the person in charge of the processing of personal data, in the exercise of the activities of accepting complaints and communications from the holders and the national authority, providing clarifications and adopting measures, as well as guide the entity’s employees and contractors regarding the practices to be taken in relation to the protection of personal data.

For any doubt, request or complaint regarding the processing of personal data, please contact our Person in Charge for the processing of Personal Data at the email indicated above.


8. Amendment of this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy, notably to reflect any changes in current legislation, our website or the way we treat personal data. In any case, the changes will take effect from the date of publication on the website, which will also be informed to the holders of personal data being processed.


Deployment date22/08/2022
Update date22/08/2022

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