Portable and efficient, the OceBox 750 is an electromagnetic anechoic box, designed to perform wireless tests, including 5G tests, 4G tests and other customized tests.
In its standard configuration, the OceBox 750 is equipped with 4 sets of antennas with dual polarization, which can be used to emulate radio base stations or other types of signals.
The box has a shielding efficiency of 60 dB in the frequency range of up to 7.5 GHz, a test table made of dielectric material, 4 pairs of Vivaldi antennas with dual polarization, power and signals as well as RF connectors.

The box absorbers provide reflectivity reduction of at least 17 dB lower than normal incident energy and are equally effective against linear, elliptical or circular polarization and relatively insensitive to angles of incidence up to 70 degrees.