Last week, we had the privilege of participating in ICOLSE (International Conference on Lightning & Static Electricity), an esteemed international conference held this year in Brazil, at the prestigious Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). This event provided an outstanding platform for exchanging ideas and innovations in the field of lightning protection and electromagnetic effects, bringing together industry professionals, academics, and clients.

During the event, we had the opportunity to showcase our LGP-4000WFA, a low-noise impulse generator designed for lightning effects testing, applicable to both aircraft and material samples. The LGP-4000WFA generates the Current Waveform A according to ARP5412B and offers external impedance control, enabling proper waveform calibrationfor both metal and composite structures. Additionally, it provides safety and flexibility for performing lightning impulse tests in both indoor and outdoor environments.

In addition to valuable networking opportunities, we attended several high-level technical presentations that significantly enhanced our understanding of the latest research and developments in the field.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Prof. José Pissolato Filho, Sidney Osses, and Diego Faria Amaral, as well as the entire conference committee, for organizing such an outstanding event and giving us the opportunity to contribute.
Together, we continue to advance and electrify the future.